DUSTTRUST: Lucky Charms

11 months ago

Phase 1 track.

After months of tweaking, I'm finally satisfied with the Phase 1 theme, so now I can confidently say that this will be the last time I update this!

The older version is now an alternate mix.

Main Version:

Alt Version:

Cheers to a future without Firey Jr!!! 🍷

(Reply with a wineglass emoji to clink our glasses together!!)



Next up

the truth

havent provided an update in 4 months so have the long-awaited menu design (background and circuitry design by @fuckoffman )

games going great i promise

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

As promised, the Unlucky. midi is to be released either tonight, or tomorrow.

Thank you to Etsy for this magnificent gift to us.

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

bot has spoken (please adam im fucking starving)

Happy 1 month anniversary! (PREVIEW, SPOILER WARNING)


Yeah, the engine's nearly done.

This is just the calm before the storm.

Also, our first trailer released today!

Check it out: