Super Mega Castle Quest
10 years ago

Physics engine COMPLETE! (Pre-alpha news inside)

I have done it! after several months, I now have a working physics engine and character switcher!

I’ll upload a working pre-alpha later today around 5 o’clock, Central Standard Time.

Granted, it’ll just be debugging squares, but hey, at least it’s a prototype for you guys!

Finally, my game can get underway, out of the debug graphics look, and into actual playability!

Thank you for the few new followers to the game (SMCQ), I hope you’re finding these constant news updates enjoyable.

Honestly, I probably should be a little more withheld from posting news posts and instead just surprise you people, but I must admit, I am a little vain.

Anyways, look for the pre-alpha post later today!


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Next up

Physics Engine! (GIF) You read right! I now have basic physics in the game! Enjoy! -Jeyson

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