Some character animations from the demo in their primitive form showing primitive folks.

Here are some videos showing the process of turning rough sketches into pretty pixels by Sarah!

A collection of the animated backgrounds featured in the demo by the amazing Matt Frith! Have you played it yet?

Another collection of backgrounds, this time from the extended world of Theropods!

I mean, when we talk about Adventure Games you can't get more classic than Monkey Island and Broken Sword!
Even though The Curse of Monkey island is our favourite, our visual influences come mostly from LeChuck's Revenge and the pretty jungle environments.

Day of the Tentacle and Broken Age are in our list of influences since they use multiple characters and change between them! Does that mean we have a second playable character (Yes)?!

Machinarium is another favourite of ours that has influenced our game design choice for not having any dialogue.
Full Throttle is also an amazing game and high on the list since it was super cinematic and tight in its story and used some action elements (not always successfully but it was super awesome at the time).
Once again, thank you so so much for your amazing love and support and please, let your friends know about the game! Every tweet/post helps immensly to get the word around!
See ya!
- Kostas and Sarah