My second ever game here on GameJolt, and my first game made not following a tutorial! ^^ This was a fun little project, and I’m glad I finished it. Although this was a rather simple game to code, it took me almost 2 months to finish.
Why? Well, you see, I kind of get discouraged easily, especially in Game Dev. And by doing One Game a Month, that’s been helping me get over that. I had thoughts about just leaving the project, and starting something else… But it was a pretty simple game, just quitting would be dumb. >w>’
So I finished it! And I am pretty happy with myself, for making this with minimal help. >D< I have no idea what I’m going to make next month, but I think I’ll plan it out ahead of time this time!
Do you have any unfinished projects? Well, go finish them! Seriously, go! The feeling you get after finishing a project is an awesome one. :D