Champion Shift

1 year ago

Play Champion Shift together with your friends!

Greetings Champions! We are extremely proud to announce the release of Champion Shift’s ONLINE co-op demo!

This new demo version has a bunch of improvements over our original single player demo, more content, more action, more shifting and just an overall more exhilarating experience. Here is a sample of some of the new features and content you can expect:

  • Athena is now playable!

  • New stage: Dominion desert facility

  • Both day and night city stages have been reworked

  • Play single player or multiplayer

  • Invite friends through Steam, or use a lobby code to share

  • New Celestial Gift upgrade menu in-game, which allows for lightning fast selection

  • All new enemies! Watch out, some will surprise you

  • New boss fight: Dynamo

  • Many many fixes and improvements all around

So download the demo now, and tell your friends so you can all enjoy it together! As always, this is just a small sample of all the exciting features and content we have planned for the final game. Make sure to wishlist (it helps us tremendously!) and drop some feedback on our Discord server.

Stay tuned for demo updates and more as we continue on our journey in Champion Shift!



Next up

Celestial Gift Spotlight: Labyrinth of the Minotaur

Celestial Gift Spotlight: Jewels of the Dragon King

Champion Shift: The Rise of the Dominion

Champion Abilities Spotlight: Athena, Goddess of Warfare & Wisdom

Online Co-op Demo News: Are your friends ready?

You're surrounded by enemies! Who are you gonna call?

Champion Shift Demo Update 0.3.1 on Steam!

Update 0.4.6

Celestial Gift Spotlight: Embrace the Wrath of Zeus's Thunder!

Athena: Warfare and Wisdom Arrive in Champion Shift