2 months ago

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] custom night/custom hour icons



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more smile doodles. they are actually becoming a rather major thang in my last guest rewrite that i mentioned eariler lol

old roblox creepypasta fella doodle + would anyone want to hear about my last guest rewrite.

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

ive drawn/said this before but fun fact. wdw can shapeshift its head into a corrupted ver of the sm64 star design to "hide".

A major content update just released for @ITDEER 's "TOO MANY NIGHTS". In which, a few select characters from PTwP can appear as both selectable enemies, and even change the game to play exactly like Percy's!

Check it out here: https://gamejolt.com/games/TOO_MANY_NIGHTS/861388

quickie doodle of pwp: mystical madness nick's house/living space.

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] regret[.]zip's design when regret first manifested in the distorted playhouse. regret molded regrets design into that of a percy-shaped one after a couple of playhours / "nights"

If you guys want more content while the team and I make something for the 1 year birthday of Playtime with Percy, the page for a super cool fangame made by @PSIAlfur just released! Check it out if you're interested: https://gamejolt.com/games/thepalresolve/894807

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] the nights have a different name since its basically always night in the pocket dimension lol