4 days ago

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] if i ever go thru w/ the percy anni pt_w.zip arg thingy i might put the images here for people who didn't really get to see it

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[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] new thing yaaay

SHEEZY: https://sheezy.art/tf2/gallery/ahh-so-cold

EYIKES so chilly!! ahhh!! (general mario / paper mario oc. hi.)

pt_w.zip manifestations thingy.

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

Cue the fanfare


If you guys want more content while the team and I make something for the 1 year birthday of Playtime with Percy, the page for a super cool fangame made by @PSIAlfur just released! Check it out if you're interested: https://gamejolt.com/games/thepalresolve/894807

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] doll doooodle