20 days ago

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] weeeeeeeeeeeeee



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oh yea *throws a bone* heres some of the furry characters from a big ocverse i have! its called untitled horror series. these arent as well-made as wdw's was + theyre older but oh well.

info doc + the other refs r here; https://toyhou.se/siffrin/characters/folder:4531174

CHARACTER INFOS: https://toyhou.se/siffrin/characters/folder:5455024

titecren doodles. never drawing this mf w/ a mouth again file looks so so weird w/ it.

updated the ref of one of my regretevator ocs lol

toyhouse page: https://toyhou.se/25637866.haunn-ted

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

one moar thing - updated my robloxian hc stuff. i dont wanna go digging around for the old versions but this one finally includes the r-thro babby's or however you spell it.

crappy mspaint doodles ig

A major content update just released for @ITDEER 's "TOO MANY NIGHTS". In which, a few select characters from PTwP can appear as both selectable enemies, and even change the game to play exactly like Percy's!

Check it out here: https://gamejolt.com/games/TOO_MANY_NIGHTS/861388

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] curiosity_killed.zip doodles

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] rare curiosity_killed.zip w/ a face doodle.

TOO MANY NIGHTS VERSION 1.4 RELEASES 5/12/2024 BE THERE OR BE SQUARE (video recorded by @Spongi_124 )

[PLAYTIME_WITH.zip] new regret[.]zip ref ^_^ playhours r basically the nights in PT_W.zip since its p much eternally night in the dimension where the distorted playhouse is located