1 month ago

Please read the Article.

As I've stated in my bio, my friend, Ace who I will keep their private name for the sake of their comfort, has been groomed and s*xually assaulted by a older man who is 23 currently. I will not reveal their name because I am unaware of what they can do right now.

Ace met this man around 2019 when she was just 12, (Him being 17 before his birthday) they both played together like normal friends until late 2021 was when he started to ask personal questions like "Do you have a boyfriend?" Or "is your dad okay with me being at your home?" And all sorts of creepy things. At the time I was unaware because I was working on a project on Roblox.

He started to emotionally abuse her out of nowhere and stated "My family doesn't love me nor should you" implying that he does not have a good home life.

I was wrong.

He was doing it for attention and to grab, her, my, and other groupchat members attention so he could start putting weight on us like "Let's start a now project together" or "Let's all play together". He was trying Harding very much to make me and him "friends" which at the time he said it was "necessary" since I'm friends with Ace.

Mid 2022: He really pushed it now. He started to send me friend request from every platform I play on. I was confused so I asked the other members before revealing that one showed him where I played and my account name, etc. I started getting uncomfortable as I couldn't play Roblox peacefully without him joining and preventing me from playing the actual game properly since he wants me to accept his friend request. I didn't, and this made him upset. Ace started getting harassed by him in-game and emotionally.

Late 2022: We stopped hearing him out because I stopped playing Roblox for awhile and Ace was busy in really life.

That was until Ace said that he came to her house announced when she was home alone. Someone or him found her address because he would buy stuff for her like Robux and Coins in-game so the receipt is how he found it.


She got r*ped by the man and contacted police where he resides right now.

She opened up to me when we were playing Natural Disaster Survival on Roblox, explaining what happened and how it came to that conclusion.

Right now she is in no way of talking to outsiders online and Im currently helping her through counseling.

Thank you all for listening.



Next up


(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)

Yo sorry for the inconvenience for literally being inactive for more a few days at this point. I'm just currently doing through some private life reasons and family but all I can say is this might actually be my last post until December or January. gb fn

WAHHOO!!! 🎉Roblox's best game created yet... Boss Fighting Stages!!!🎉 Happy 10th anniversary!!


can i fucking help you

My last post (For now until further notice). 💙

Hope y'all have a good life. -Akimae

Caretaker and Bountyhunter be gaying and they now have to pay child support.

I am alive.

I have moved on from this bullsh*t community. Goodbye.