4 months ago

Please report @Tailspo

I’m back I guess…

After a nearly a month of quitting

Just need a break

However the game is still ongoing with help wanted


She/he flashed me by sent me a a rule34 post of vanilla (creams mom) getting off the shower not to mention that she/he was smirking at me

Another reason is that she been like what?

Harassing me about something that I’m really confused about

She/he always changed his mind about something after I gave him/her a warning

Credits and thanks to @TheSpartaRemixer for making this document for me to expose her/him




Next up

But In drawing on paper

just made a new server

Me and @Nightmaresonicfan2007 is Confused Because he and I are similar

Me: waiting impatiently

Shadowmario but my better version


Please report https://gamejolt.com/@PhotoNegativeOswald

He almost killed his cat

I’m done with him