15 days ago

Pls pray for us…




Next up

TYSM @KniteBlargh for the stickers! I am away in Texas! We are currently under a flood watch… but I think we will be fine 😊

crossing my fingers there will be no tornadoes! 🌪️

we can play Super Mario Bros. In the meantime, @KniteBlargh

Hopefully the power doesn’t go out…

Give me some fun suggestions to create an evil trick to play on @KniteBlargh

I will miss all of the fun creations made with you littlebigplanet…

here is the petition for an archive for lbp levels: https://chng.it/C7cSYrWrkC

U don’t have to donate, you can just share the link if you truly love LBP and want Sony to archive levels.

Someone stuck my face on a post 11 times!!

I salute whoever did this.

I may be evil, but DDOS attacks are the worst. They can only be done by people who have nothing better to do. (Part of the reason one of my childhood games has it’s servers down) shame on whoever’s involved.

It’s been a while since I have devised any evil plans against my much more positive twin @KniteBlargh

I decided to play some really loud music to wake Knite up from what they said was their “beauty sleep.”

Kniteblargh drawn by: kniteblargh


Someone is trying to summon a demon on your 3D model of yourself. This is definetely interesting. I cannot wait to see what demon is summoned.