Spring And Co. PLUS
3 months ago

plus has a multitude of new characters not originally in the old game

tryna keep the original characters mostly the same but heavily improving upon them

some characters from the old game aren’t coming back but they do have direct replacements

also gonna try fix the LORE and make it very clear what is going on

3 ais are currently programmed (spring, dren and reener) and they are really cool and fun

spring had a massive improvement and I think he’s really cool now



Next up

(hopefully) the final versions of all the expanded modifiers! some have changed and some have been added (also the colors are less harsh so yay)

hungry 3

hungry 2


99% of gamblers quit before the big win

current list of (expanded) modifiers

new vs old

looks like an improvement to me

that was so close oml


special events occur every so often which make the game harder for you or do cool things or whatever

minispring here pops in and tells you whats happening (they look better in-game i promise)