Pokémon Generation
5 years ago

Poké News 003 About the pre-Alpha pack that's coming #pokemon #rpg #adventure #fantasy #action #other #fangame

Hey, you all now that the poll is about done I already know what to do with the 3rd floor but for now let's start with some poké news.

Tomorrow we will release the official pre-alpha release this release is a bit special that's why it will cost $5.5

But everyone who buys this pre-alpha will get a special item when the game release. The key will be in-game so don't forget to save it, there will be an event for trophies and leaderboard and much more like legendary's events. This release will not be easy so be prepared for facing strong pokémon's.

Pre-Alpha Pack:

3-items to give your pokémon so that they are stronger against legendary's

1-Master ball and 10-ultra balls So that means you can have a master ball from the get-go to catch one of your favorite pokémon easy.

10-Super Potions gonna make your early game a bit easier with some super potions

1- Lv.7 Riolu to start your Pokémon adventure with train him hard, later on, he can use mega evolution



Next up

Story patch in making. Soon the first big update patch will be ready for release on Gamejolt and then in 2 Weeks the release of early access on Steam as well as on Gmaejolt. #rpg #action #basebuilding #questions #devlog

Steam Early Access Page is live, This update will also be released on Gamejolt. #rpg #action #fantasy #adventure #question

3 Main classes for my upcoming rpg game. #art #gamedev #rpg #devlog

Poké News 002 about whats coming new and the demo release. #rpg #fantasy #pokemon #adventure #fangame #action #other

The first dungeon map is done, still needs some small improvements but where getting there. #art #rpg #action #gamedev #gameart

Floor 3 has been created as the dragon floor. #pokemon #rpg #fantasy #other #adventure everyone let me know witch dragon pokemon are your favorites. #questions

Dungeon Reborn Demo V0.0.1 is released.

This Demo will give a smal previeuw of the game and what is to come with future updates. #rpg #game #action #question

Merry Christmas from the Dungeon Runner XZ Hub