3 years ago

Por fin me pase "Las taqueria de Catcher"

@GrandMiguelito quiero decir que el juego lo disfrute mucho, tengo muchas preguntas que espero sean resueltas en la segunda parte como por ejemplo: Quien era el misterioso hombre que saboteo a Catcher?




Next up

That's all for 2023, Dormitabis is going slow and I have planned 2 videos for Christmas


These 2 games was my childhood, specially complete saga that in my opinion is the best game of Star Wars and Lego

I still have them in Xbox 360, i hope get his 100% one day

I got the achievement in Monday and I forgot say it in a post, lul

Anyway, thank you for all who wish me a happy SpawnDay, I read all the comments and shouts

Nuuu wayyy

400 follooowerrrrsss!!!!!!

I just need to vectorize cameras and make a tablet animation

With a total of 86 votes, Case Animatronics will be in the channel soon

Broooo WTF??

I always log in this laptop since my phone die and now you ask me to do the verification??

Is patethic, i have a lot of messages if its me behond the account, i always anwer yes and then this??


After several problems with the game, specially where the textures glitch it making the game horrible. Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2 Remastered will be out soon