Something came up recently and, if it keeps going the way it is now, there is a severe chance that I will not be working on anything for quite some time. Because of the thing that’s happening, I feel so depressed I am unmotivated to do anything, even get on the computer to make this post when I would rather be moping in bed. But I feel empty and depressd and I have no motivation to work on any game in this state. I don’t know what to do. I wish I could talk about it. Maybe next time. But until then, I am on hiatus.
And who knows when i’ll be back? A month? A few? A year? I don’t know anymore. But know that I will still be around to update everyone, hopefully. Thank you all for understanding. I don’t feel motivated enough to say the catchphrase this time. So fill in that blank on your own. Thank you.