Menagerie: Remastered!
9 years ago

Possible Update Coming

Some pretty big changes, not enough to coerce save files into incompatibility, but some big changes nontheless, such as a revamped final boss fight. With new music.

And a large update to states.


Along with some minor though great quality of life combat improvements.


-More secrets.

-More sidequests.

-More easter eggs.

-More treasures.

Keep your eyes peeled around late May.



Next up

Optional Content Patch in the works...

Let's Play M:R by Icefire82g So yeah, I gave one of my friends a press release build of M:R a month before now, he started a Let’s play, as was partially my intent.

See how nature breathes and exerts its many beauties in this place? This is the kind of life and atmosphere you may expect from most maps come Demo 3.

I feel bad that you will have to tolerate the old version of this now until Demo 3 comes out, this is such an outstanding upgrade!

Been working on upgrading a lot of the maps to flourish them with life and even more atmosphere! Many of these will be recognized by Demo 2 Players, but some are yet virgin territory.

Just some exciting screenshots of progress! This is but a mere spec among an immensity but it should be enough to whet your appetite!

Menagerie: Remastered! Official Soundtrack now on bandcamp!

Just some of the many glorious new faces appearing in Demo 3~!

Gameplay Trailer for Demo 3 accompanied by the characters doing them. All main story boss-fights are now complete, too. Outside of one cinematic- the Main story for Demo 3 is complete!

Fighting a Devilcat of this magnitude would be suicidal for most people... it's just as well than that you aren't "most people"! Poor one out for Denise Ding: Tiramisa's superb voice actor.