Final Verdict: Abandoned

2 months ago

Post 1 - The New Building Layout

So, I've brainstorming ideas for this game for well over a year now, so don't be suprised if I post a lot here.

So, the Fnati map. It barely ever changes in remakes, and I'm honestly not sure why. It's small, it's cramped, and most of its features are just sort of... bland?

I undestand making it small, since that means there's less cameras for you to use, but when there's nothing to really look at on them, and they turn back on anyway, it makes it feel like a pointless design choice.

So, here's what I've done.

The map now has waaay more cameras, each leading to a lot of other ones, and your office now has 4 entrances.

Now, I can already hear people asking "doesn't having that many cameras make the game too easy?" A good question, but no. Wanna know why?

The cameras don't come back on.

That's right, you only have 19 17 camera shut-offs per night, so you'd better make them, count. And unlike Fnati, there's characters that you need to keep track of, so deciding which cameras you can afford to lose is more important than ever.

You may have also noticed that there's 4 entrances into the building. Those aren't just for show, as there's going to be characters that enter the building through them, so don't dismiss them as unimportant.

Lastly, the breaker room. If certain characters manage to enter that room, they'll tamper with your equipment. They might shut off the lights, they might shut off a random camera, or they might do something else. It depends on who enters, and in some cases, what kind of mood they're in. There will be ways of preventing them from messing you up, but I'm not ready to talk about that yet.

So, what do you guys think? I'm open to answering basically any questions that you guys have about the new building layout (or just this game in general). I know it might be a bit weird, but I feel this is the change this game's needed for almost a decade now.



Next up

Can't wait to edit this to be red (For real though, why is she red in this game?)

Here's Slyman.

He's a cut character from game, acting as sort of a weird 'toy foxy but not mangle' character who'd try to steal your computer.

Don't worry about him. Odds are he'll be in a future game, this just wasn't really the game for him.

Because pf my last post, I felt like sharing this Fnati remake map I made. It's super different from the original map, but I felt like changing it for the sake of the gameplay.

#fnaf #fnati #concept #treasureisland

I'm too tired to make a full-on article for this, but here's some previews of what I've been working on

You know, there's 0 evidence that these two are related in any way at all. Like, we've been calling these two 'shadows' for so long that we've managed to convince ourselves that they're the same but like?? No?????

Post 2 - Character Count

Just published a project page for waaaay down the road. Feel free to follow if you're a fan of Fnati and actually good gameplay loops.

Not for this game, but I'm gonna post this here.

It's a cast for a scrapped FNACE game of mine called FNACEC: The Final Days.

It's based off of Non-RoXo CEC, so don't expect them to appear in this game... at least not in their current form.

You wouldn't know really know it if you just casually follow me, but I've wanted to remake Fnati for a super long time.

Every Fnati remake up to modern day has kind of sucked in terms of mechanics, and I'd love to give it a shot.

#fnaf #fnati #art

ANACEC Mega Devlog #5