3 days ago

Posting from my phone while on vacation!!!! Very in interesting day 1 so far

Image unrelated

Very nice that I can still use gamejolt while away, did not expect this to work. Guess this is gonna be a first!!!

I’ll probably post more later about the trip so far bc some “interesting” stuff has already happened



Next up

BRO literally everyone is releasing their games the moment I go on vacation


my train of thought tends to do some barrel rolls

i have illegally stolen several murder drones memes

gamejolt what kind of ads bro??

Real ones already know #GJAsks


my mental health the second it notices im having fun:

i would like to obliterate the roach in my brain (the voices)

oh hey here’s this guy again!

did anyone actually read these god I hope not

Okay so apparently I ran out of cellular data or something so this might be my last post until I get back from vacation ☹️