The Noob : uh i walk, and click :D
The Pro : alright, i've done 20 floor solo, now next one, fuck, pebble.
The Adventurer : ooo, a crate, nice, lemme check out other things :)
The creator/devs : god, another update to make, this is gonna take soo fucking long, im tired of this game.
The speedrunner: gogogg, alright another machine, in 12 sec, gogogo fast fast fast!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
The Lore maker and theories (me :sob:) : omg, room with ichor, alright soo if this makes sense, the game is about a Flower (DANDY) that maked a show that was good, but it had a accident with ichor and ever-
I really hate being a lore maker, every game i play, i make it 5000% scarier due i make terrifying things in my head :Sob: