Giggly's Park

3 years ago

Procedural playground physics!

#horror #platformer



Next up

WIP - Improving monster AI, reacting to sound and reaching the player. "He can also do platforming around". Playground: Don't make a sound

SURPRISE! Ghoul Fright's survival demo is coming to Steam, fight hordes of Ghouls with your bare hands!! Here's some of the progress, the game is a mix of Killing Floor and Grabbed by the Ghoulies!

Fast modules are one of my fave playgrounds in the game. Some could even lead you to other secret places.

Store page is up! With a cool little trailer, preparing the violent party of punches/kicks for everyone, introducing the survival test demo.

Having so much fun developing this, blasting some KF2 track and destroying Ghouls at the hardest difficulty, it's Ghoul beating time.. ¿Any dope ideas? #fun #ghouls #violence

Definitive working balls! they're pickable, ledge climb shown too! They have been here for so long but i couldn't find at that time how to make them procedural like now.

#horror #platformer

New face reactions for player's character! These exist to show the player's current status "Fighting, Attacked, etc"

Keeping the progress, cool surprises on the way, shop keeper weird mage dude, more weapon props too "lamps, pictures, basketball balls, etc", there's me beating a skeleton (for the 0825th time).

Close encounter with Giggly, the heartless clown.

Incoming multiplayer footage! "Coop Survival with friends", minigame playgrounds, new game modes and more cool stuff