I keep neglecting this site.

Here's a screenshot of my custom darkness effect that doesn't use surfaces or shaders (since I'm terrible at even understanding them). It relies on light sources changing the transparency of things instead of making them darker.
I thought of adding in a new enemy:

"Musteommel", or, uh..."Ink-Stitch" I guess, would move in the air back and forth, dropping ink on anyone unfortunate enough to be right under it. It's based on a real...woven squid thing at the workshop.
To add a few more points of progress:
Checkpoints are working for the most part! (I think)
Swedish translation GET! Thanks Ayrayen!
Rocket Blocks need more work! (still working like
I'm still aiming to finish and release the game this year but since I'm still in the early testing phases, it's hard to make a promise. Fingers crossed.

(Post image comes from a strip I was requested to make for an upcoming 4H magazine; panel 3 slightly edited.)
Hogluttons may become an actual threat in the game, not sure...
Since I'm interested in the idea of a Japanese translation...well, should I even try, though?