Project Readjusted 2
6 years ago

Progress + QnA!

Hey guys.

So I have had a feeling that I haven’t shown off a lot, which I don’t know why it’s bugging me but, here’s some progress on the game!

Main Game

The actual nights are completely polished and ready to go. Though, I will still need to implement the phone calls, which aren’t done, and Endless Mode for the Custom Night.

There are also going to be 2 (or more) Custom Night areas. Not just one!

After Night Area(s)

After your main shift ends, you go to a separate area to fulfill another task. Although it is the same task, it does get harder after each night.

Do not worry though, the save feature leaves you at the last area you were on, meaning that if you quit the game after the night is over, then you can resume properly after you reopen the game.

Unfinished Things

I still need to properly make a title screen. I do have some ideas for it, but I will wait for the weekend to make it or next week, as motivation isn’t that strong right now. No, it’s not going to be cancelled, but I am working on other things at the same time.

Now for the QNA!
Ask any questions below and I will answer them in another devlog.

Also, considering that Youtubers may want to play the game early, I will be sending early access to certain Youtubers.




Next up

Teaser 2

Throwback! Do you remember?

Save your Tokens!

Just pushed a small fix for Project Readjusted 3 and decided to give the multiplayer mode some better Discord Rich Presence while I was at it!

Check out the update, now up on the page:

More multiplayer Firefly shenanigans, this time with synchronized custom player animation players and server-controlled enemies

Here's a Minecraft clone in Fusion Firefly with cubic chunks and server hosting that I made a few months ago. It still has its problems but it came out pretty well. It's mainly written in Lua like the game in my previous video.

New Teaser

First "Real" Teaser
