Yes, I know, it's been a very long time since the last update but get ready because this is going to be a looong one. (longer than the pervious ones, at least)
So first of all, one of the reasons this took too long was because of me losing some motivation, dealing with some personal problems and stuff like that, but we are finally back and we started the project's revival with a bang!
We got a lot of people joining to our Discord server lately, which is awesome! You should join too, we are WAY more active there than here:
And well, with a lot of people coming in, came a lot of new members to our team! We now have a lot of new writers, artists, and even one voice actor!
We are also now affiliated with Danganronpa: Bloody Reverie! Please check their Discord as well, and support them anyway you can. Their project is very promising with very high quality artists, a high quality voice actor (more to join, most likely) and a very interesting concept/story!
Now all of that is out of the way, I should start talking about the juicy stuff. All the new things we've done!

Here you can see some concept art for our secondary mascot, made by one of the new members of our team.

And here is a pixel sprite for our main mascot, Kumokuma! And let me up the resolution a bit...

...ZAP! Our first sprite! Shocking, isn't it?
Well, that's not even everything!

We are working on much, much more behind the scenes that I can't reveal yet, but I hope this much was enough to get you excited! We also post some WIP stuff on our Discord server, and not everything in the server is posted here, so as I mentioned a million times, join our Discord!
Lastly, the writing. We scrapped the old script and started a newer, better one from scratch. We also started writing a better and more informative plot synopsis. All major things are planned really; they only need fleshing out, more details, so I don't really have anything exciting to say writing-wise, and probably won't have in the future.
Well that's it folks! Also, did you forget that we had a Twitter? Go follow it! Ah, and while I'm on the topic of sending links, let me send the Discord again once more!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this little update. Thanks for following the project, and have a nice day!