FIve Nights With The Anime Girls
2 years ago

Progress report

Night transitions - 100%

AI - 70%

Intro opening - 0%

phonecalls - 0%

Mechanics - 70%

Visual Novel stuff - 20%

pixel art - 60%

so what was added?

Well, more pixel art was made as said up there before

such as Utada's main sprite, some text overlay sprites for Utada and other characters.

The ai for night 4 has been completely finished, leaving nights 5 and 6 to be finished with one more character needed to be finished.

the night transitions are completely finished.

and like the ai, the mechanics are also almost finished

that is all B)


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Next up

Last post for today, because I'm swag, yall get a feel for the artstyle a bit more, I bring you. the office!

ah shit I haven't posted for 4 days uhh... QUICK MAKE A PIECE OF ART!!...


UPDATE 1, the progress so far

missingno is cool as shit but I wanna see more glitch unkowns! These things have some INSANE potential to be used for pokemon-horror-related things

I just had an insane rebrand. gone are the days of funny png cat lady

Now we are our own BEING

FNAL Elevators be like

Quick little office sketch I made


Fnal's remaster has a new name? yep it's called FNaL Re: Dive

more info will come and you'll see why when I release more

Let's try this one more time