Fazbear World: The First Night
6 years ago

Progress Report - Release Date, Screenshots, Extra Content.

Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

So, with the most recent set of changes and additions made to the game, you may have noticed (if you’ve been paying attention to the page) that the release date has been going all over the place, first it was the 28th, then the 7th, THEN the 13th, and now it’s the 14th. I plan to try and meet the release but I will delay the game more if I clearly cannot meet that deadline.

In other news you may have also noticed screenshots! These are the only ones going up on the page so pay close attention to them! It’ll be all you get to see of the game until it comes out, so get pumped for what content is in store!

As for the game’s extra content: I’ve figured out everything I want to do. Now, there is a slight chance things won’t go 100% as planned, I want to finish the base game, do some of the extra content and then release it as a base version. Then over the course of the month I can add in additional extra content and goodies and maybe even more story content in the form of a second update similar to FNaF World. I’m not sure I’ll go that way but I will if it helps me get the game some steam.

One thing I should mention is that in term of how I’m basing the game, it’s heavily based off FNaF 1 and FNaF 2, with obviously FNaF World as the source base. I think it helps the game give itself more of an identity and allow it to be able and make call backs and subtle references for those games and not feel totally out of place.

That’s all for now, hope you’re all just as excited as I am!

  • Katherine



Next up

Now In Development #FNaF #2024

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It's been pretty quiet... Sorry! Here's a look at the main menu to make up for it.