
9 months ago

Progress so far is looking pretty good! The main character model is ready, and it is time to adjust some UVs and slap on some textures.



Next up

Started planning out the way the important side character would interact with the player. Solution so far - groups of electronics (computers, cameras, etc.) that would look at the player when the character is talking

Continuing the work on the main side character, but not much to show for now. Sometimes things take more time than planned, but that's ok, as long as you are still moving forward

Made some pretty cool chocolate cookies

Made some marmalade candies in different colors. And there is a fish shaped marmalade too, because I thought it would be funny. What other marmalade shapes can you think of?

More cakes! These got new textures too.

A door. What can it hide?

My 6yo self would be very happy to know somewhere in the future I created this chocolate lake

New voice for the side character! His name is S4-R1N, or Sarin. Started as a simple tutorial guy, now promoted to a full-fledged character with a name and everything.

Giving the character many faces! Created an object that would spawn a random assortment of electronics in one place to make it easier to place this character in the world.

This is JICE logo. JICE is short for Joined Intergalactic Carbohydrate Establishment, and it's a giant space company that specializes in extracting and delivering sugar all over the galaxy. Their methods are reliable, though not necessarily ethical!