Recently, I have decided to design a special OS for ending in game. I am still working on it and you can see below how much more or less the interface will look like.
What is LackNet OS?
LackNet is a operating system (fictious of course), created for penetration testing and hacking.
What is Net_Map?
That shows you all servers that you have scanned, as you can see on GIF, there is Your PC, k_OS Website and few more servers for bouncing network.
What do you mean by “bouncing network” in game?
It means, that you have to use a few servers for anonymity and/or lack of detection. That is connected with VPN software that you can see on the left in RAM Usage menu.
Will there be a tutorial right after the update?
Yes, of course.
If you have an idea about the game, write in a comment section (I will gladly read it).