Project Terminus
6 years ago

Progress Update - #01

So, quite a lot of things have changed since the initial concept of Project Terminus, and I’m gonna start doing posts like this occasionally to show how progress is going.


So, Modeling is going pretty well, the characters are about 50% complete, However the main antagonist, “The Mutant” which is seen in most of the promotional art, it is also called PTR-07, may be getting a minor redesign. Nothing too major, just making it a lot more “mutant-like”. The current completed models are:

  • The Mutant (Teaser 2 - Strapped to table) [Minor Redesign]

  • Mutant Claze (Teaser 1 - Also seen in the game Locked Away)

  • Mutant Flask (Teaser 3 - Also seen in the game Locked Away)

In terms of the environment and props, I’m still designing props, and am currently working on the camera monitor here:


Something significantly different about Project Terminus and my pervious games is that I’m spending a lot more time on the smaller things like props, and taking a lot more time to finish up the “office” which is seen in the New Header I updated 2 days ago. I’m still working on it and would like to add more things to it but am still debating what more to add.


So, Programming won’t start for quite a while but I’m estimating I’ll begin programming in Mid-August. I’m trying to take as much time as possible working on the props and models to make the environment as chilling as I can and am hoping to create great ambiance. I’m still debating whether to go out of my comfort zone and use Unreal Engine 4 or to stick with Clickteam, either way gameplay mechanics would still be roughly the same, just Unreal Engine 4 would make for some beautifully chilling animations ‘n such and I may look into reaching out for help with Unreal to see if it’s manageable.


The story and lore of Project Terminus is still being decided on and I’m still deciding on how to express the lore, however there will be cutscenes that are animated to express some of how The Mutant came to be and to explain why it got to where it is. The location is settled, and I’ve decided that the game will take place in an Abandoned Asylum, which if you’ve paid attention to the story posts, the emails between Johnathan Coulson and Tyler Harrison, you’d know that Tyler Harrison mentioned dumping the assets at an abandoned location, this is that location. The player’s goals and such are still being worked on, as well as this game’s connections to the Five Nights Revived, Locked Away, and Five Nights at Freddy’s series.

And that’s all folks, I’ll be posting more things as time goes by, spread the word about the game and lets see how many followers we can get ! I’d love if we were to get the word of this out there, that way more people can play this when it’s out, and also I love seeing feedback from you guys about what you think about the game ~
~ Elizabeth



Next up

Y'all ever just get that feeling of unease when going up or down in like an elevator or plane, like you could just drop super fast or whatever ? It's hella weird. Lots of things are weird. Like my wanting to tease stuff but the clips aren't ready yet ;)

Happy New Years ! How I plan to do things going into 2023~

Just a reminder that I haven't forgotten about PTI, it's still in the works :)

Project Terminus: Upgraded More Info and Game Page Soon

New Project, Don't expect any info for a bit though.

Project Terminus: Upgraded Game Page is Live!

Sure would be a shame

Pokémon Epoch, my brand new big Project (Link in Article):

I honestly can't help myself.

Can't wait to show more of this in the future, definitely excited to be starting this project!