Alternative Ultimate Custom Night (Official Fan Game)
6 years ago

Progress Update.

Hey guys, I’m sure you all want to know what’s been going on with the game, so I’m here to clear some things up.

I’ve still been programming AUCN, just not adding characters, the reason for this is because our previous programmer added a huge problem in the game, and I have to go back through a lot of code to get rid of all of that. That’s what I’ve done today, and that’s what I intend on doing for the next few days.

Another reason why is that our new renderer is not giving us what we need, we have to wait weeks before we can receive a single texture and that is very annoying because a lot of animatronics require textures to be able to be programmed.

I’ve done a lot of improvements on the game not focusing on animatronics, for example I have increased the FPS by over 60 frames and also did my trademark thing of making the game a tiny bit harder. Seriously, on the path we are heading, AUCN will be at least 2 times harder than UCN(and we’re just saying that with half the roster complete, UCN isn’t a steady graph, it doubles(about) in difficulty every time a character is added)

We have a lot of things planned for AUCN and we can’t wait until we can show them off, until then please stand by, more information will be coming soon(ish).

Oh, and one more thing, you guys are getting another OST reveal later this week so get hyped!

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Next up

Grand Canyon.

Need a hand?

You can not escape death.

Leave no stone unturned.

Wake up. (Get trolled! we added a character after all!)

Prepare for takeoff!

It's showtime!

I am the wires hidden in darkness.

A new contender.

No light can save you now.