First off, I have NOT done a theory on a long time so it may be a bit jank lol
Second off:
So if you don't want spoilers, go watch the original series HERE!
(Go follow @pastelbruce too he's a good friend and made this series. So go watch Project Artemis!)
Without further ado, let's start my theory!
Today we'll be analyzing this teaser that was post in the TNA Chat I made
As you can see something happened here. But WHAT happened?
Here's what I think happened.
Pastel said earlier this last year that Utnars was summoned by a cult. We don't know much about this cult tho.
But based upon the given image, the banner says Artemis. Artemis is a Greek god of hunting. And if you look closer at the banner, something used to be there......
.....Utnars maybe?
There is also a hint of blood on the banner.
Could this be where the cult once resided?
Could Utnars have killed some of the people working in the cult she was summoned from?
What ever happened there is definitely tied to Utnars that I know.
But what do you think?
Give me your thoughts in the comments!
I hope you enjoyed this short theory!
BIG SHOUT-OUT TO @Pastelbruce for his analog horror series Project Artemis! It's very underrated and you can watch it here! Go support him!