Project Terminus

5 years ago

Project Terminus: Upgraded
More Info and Game Page Soon

So Project Terminus Update 2.0 has now gotten larger than I originally intended, and is now getting a new gamejolt page and being titled Project Terminus Upgraded, as it's basically an entire reimagining of the game. I hope you all look forward to it because the changes are drastic, save files should remain the same so don't worry about that, I do recommend starting over though, there will be an option to do so upon your first opening of the game, it'll delete save data BUT it WILL keep your plushies, since those will now be unachievable and will be kind of a trophy for getting far in the first game. The entire game is being adjusted to be more visually polished, and the code to be more polished and entertaining as well. This game will also have a much deeper story which will prepare players for the story in Scattered Echoes, setting off the entire Project Terminus Series Story into motion. There's more characters, new mechanics, new voice lines, better cutscenes, and a much better looking ending, as well as more end-credit teasers so stay tuned for Project Terminus Upgraded coming this Fall.

1 comment


Next up

Sure would be a shame

Perfectly Placed.

Y'all ever just get that feeling of unease when going up or down in like an elevator or plane, like you could just drop super fast or whatever ? It's hella weird. Lots of things are weird. Like my wanting to tease stuff but the clips aren't ready yet ;)

Happy Halloween! Here's something that's been in the works~

Initially was gonna reveal on March 31st, but I figured Friday would be a better day, see you soon ;)

Happy New Years Everyone!

Pokémon Epoch, my brand new big Project (Link in Article):

Happy New Years ! How I plan to do things going into 2023~