Project Terminus
5 years ago

Project Terminus Version 1.1 In the Works (Changes below)

So I’ve watched the few videos that’ve been made of the game, and looked over comments, for some reason, a shocking amount of people can’t make it past Night 1, for whatever reason, I don’t know, I’ve reached Night 5, and good job to the 31% of voting players who’ve reached nightmare mode, I wish the best of luck. ALSO PLEASE WATCH THE TUTORIAL AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME, IT GIVES CRUCIAL INFORMATION, this is mainly for those who keep asking how to play when the tutorial states it anyways.


I’ve decided to update the game, don’t know how long it’ll take, either a day or two so just expect it soon, there’s a few changes I’m gonna make. Here they are:

  • I am NOT making it easier, sort of. I’m reworking the ai a bit, making them a little faster but also a little more random in terms of how fast they move, that way it will be less predictable and hopefully generally easier to beat. It should also be more entertaining this way

  • I’m updated the Ventilation On/Off sign because apparently the “O” they see isn’t the best choice to signify a change, my bad, I had the same issue with MA-1’s button color with the Demo. I’ll be making it a little more obvious.

  • Updating the name for the character “Abigail” She is voiced by me, unfortunately I’m a transwoman, and my voice isn’t the most feminine so I’ll be changing the name to a more gender neutral name. This is not a major change and is very unnecessary, only changing it for personal reasons.

  • A few secrets.

This version will be up within 2 days or so. Stay tuned, hope you enjoy ~

1 comment


Next up

New Project, Don't expect any info for a bit though.

Perfectly Placed.


Just a reminder that I haven't forgotten about PTI, it's still in the works :)

Can't wait to show more of this in the future, definitely excited to be starting this project!

Pokémon Epoch, my brand new big Project (Link in Article):

I honestly can't help myself.

Happy New Years! 2019 Was an incredible ride, and I look forward to an even better year for 2020! This year's teaser showcases the novel PT Contagion, and the upcoming game, Blight of Winter!

Project Terminus: Upgraded More Info and Game Page Soon

Happy New Years ! How I plan to do things going into 2023~