Five Nights at F**kboys: Ennard's Valiant Expedition
3 years ago

pssst... psst... hey kid...

who wants an extended beta to play..? oh you know. like 20 HOURS of playtime?

then you came to the right place. im going to upload the current version of EVE to gamejolt tonight. stay tuned for the announcement.

Q: Ash, why are you uploading the game before it's finished?
A: Because the game is super long. I'd love to get some current feedback on what people think before I decide to start making the final night. I did a pretty big beta test and a lot of stuff got fixed. Other than a few nuances here and there, EVE is playable from start to "finish". Essentially, I want to "iron out" any problems that people might have before I continue working on the game. I.E. Balance issues, equipment troubles, very strange glitches, advice, critiques, etc.

Q: how long is gaem

A: from the beta testing session, it took people around 20 hours to complete the current version. So take that into consideration.

Q: what stuff was added?
A: Too much to list. a LOT. Like, A LOT. just play it for yourself.




Next up

the eve comic #1

hi again :) wtf it's almost been a month already wth

woah. has it really been 6 months????

Update for the curious people and thanks for your patience!

New Information and screenshots!

A BIG QOL fix for the game!

hi! surprise """new""" game!

Something people will eventually notice...

It's **alive!**

hi! it's been awhile, huh?

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend