2 years ago



Tutorial 2: Re-Making Stuff - Part 1

Follow Tutorial 1 Before Reading This!!!


Great! Now It's Time To Rename Your Project!

  1. Right Click The Application Called, "PsychEngine"

  2. Click Rename

  3. Rename It To, "My FNF Mod"

Perfect! Now Make A FNF Intro Tune.

  1. Go to https://www.beepbox.co

  2. on the right hand corner of the screen, select the type by clicking the bar next to the word... Type.

  3. now copy this link: https://www.beepbox.co/#9n31sbk0l00e0bt2ma7g0fj07r1i0o432T7v1u20f21562kaq0x10s12d08H_SRJ6JIBxAAAAkh8IbE1b1T1v1ue7f10p7q0331d08A0F5B3Q0140Pea77E361b627638T1v1ub2f10k8q011d23A0F1B8Q0000Pe600E179T4v1uf0f0q011z6666ji8k8k3jSBKSJJAArriiiiii07JCABrzrrrrrrr00YrkqHrsrrrrjr005zrAqzrjzrrqr1jRjrqGGrrzsrsA099ijrABJJJIAzrrtirqrqjqixzsrAjrqjiqaqqysttAJqjikikrizrHtBJJAzArzrIsRCITKSS099ijrAJS____Qg99habbCAYrDzh00E0b4h4h4y8j00004g4i8w0000000h8y000001414h40000p22aFE-17ghQ4s6hQAt17ghT4u44t17ghMh7ihQ4t179AtXuzWSzAo5dWfMM02PhYk8Wp8Wp8Ucx8WX8Wp8Wp8XZ8Y8g2eCieCie278WX8Wp8Wp8Vcw8Mapilldddddddddd9iCL8bW2Y0

  4. Click File > Export, then next to file type, make sure that’s set to .wav.

  5. name it "MyFNFtheme". we can change it later.

  6. Go to steps 12 - 17 to find out how to convert it online, however, continue on to find out how to do it with audacity.

  7. Go To Downloads.

  8. Right Click "MyFNFtheme.wav".

  9. Click Open With > Audacity

  10. Click File > Export > Export as OGG

  11. name it "freakyMenu" (not missing out any capital letters and spelt correctly) and do not hide the extention, or psych engine won't read it and will crash immediately when opened.

  12. You could also use cloudconvert.

  13. Go to https://convertio.co/wav-ogg/ (since cloudconvert doesn't support wav to ogg conversions)

  14. select your "MyFNFtheme.wav" file.

  15. Save the converted .ogg file to your Mac.

  16. Right Click the file

  17. Click Rename and name it "freakyMenu" (with the same EXACT name otherwise psych engine won't read it when you add it to the game in the next steps.)

Hope This Tutorial Helped, And yes. it is VERY long.

Part 2 will be coming soon! Have Fun!



Next up



VS Stickman - ??? (Song 3)

my Duolingo has been like this for a few weeksđź’€

"He can't escape... unless the key to the way out is found..."


Minecraft: Teleporting You to The Narest Plains Biome!

The Plains Biome:

Here's a chapter 11 stupid spoiler (Not Associated with MyFNF) Gray vs Stupid and BF

Oh and 75 subs means this will be my channel logo (and my discord logo) PERMANANTLY

Here's my rig for @BleachdrinkerAxl if you want it