The Chuck E. Cheese Reboot: REMASTERED
2 years ago


Hey guys! So this game just hit 13 followers already, which is absolutely insane. I cannot thank you guys enough for this! Thank you guys so much for supporting me and my work, it really helps out a lot! To celebrate this, I decided to put up a little QNA about this game, where you can ask any questions you might have. Leave your questions in the comments. I will leave this open for a few days or so before I close it.
Please be mindful of these things when asking questions:

1. Please do not spam questions, if I don't answer yours
for some reason, don't ask it again. I will do my best to answer every question here, so assume that your question will be answered.

2. Avoid asking a large number of questions in one post. I'd say around 2-3 questions would be the limit, so try not to ask any more above that.

3. Please do not ask any more questions after this QNA is closed! Ask while this QNA is still active. I do not plan to reopen this QNA after I close it.

Thank you guys!




Next up

the sequel no one asked for

uh oh

hey guys

i have come a very long way

who the hell put this in pasqually's page on the chuck e. cheese wiki

ai wild for this

me rn

gee thanks