1 year ago

QnA round 2

Q: what is Left Hanging about?

A: Left Hanging is basically just a war between Ancient and another being of the Void (there are too much of these fellows)

Q: if Stories from the Campfire is originally a Legacy I lore, why is it being remastered?

A: I made a replacement for the old protagonist trio and the main antagonist we sorta mixed up from random stuff. Using that, I can finish and make up a remaster for Stories from the Campfire.

Q: in a nutshell, what were Legacy I stories mainly?

A: Legacy I stories were composed by me and my irl friends who I usually met. They were either plot remakes of already existent stories as how we saw the plot to be better, random story mashups created over time by starting off with something and adding more elements from different inspirations, or just our sorta original interpretations of something that already existed. Legacy I stories usually had characters bearing our own names or similar ones, though all existent in reality. They were mostly using a trio concept for protagonists as most lores were made by three people, and we all played roles as protagonists and antagonists.

Q: what are some iconic lores you could say you remember more?

A: Stories from the Campfire, Two Of A Matter, Gate Raiders in the Legacy I way, Breakout Protocol, the late 2019 version of Without Doubts, and Story Of Two Sisters.

Q: was the "I forgot my script" saying of yours from 2022 true?

A: no. There was never a script for any of the lores previously or during the making, only slight plans. In Legacy I and Legacy II we were improvising all along, each event came to be as it got to, there were absolutely no plans. Everyone in the "cast" could put anything they want into the basis and we moved on, occasionally explaining what is happening to those unsure.

Q: are any Legacy I lores still continued to this day?

A: yes, two. Original Without Doubts and Story Of Two Sisters.

Q: what does Legacy II differ in from Legacy I and Legacy III?

A: Legacy II does NOT contain the irl name of the "cast" as the name of the characters anymore. We all made up names and then characters that became iconic parts of the lore. Legacy II does not work on a multiverse base for most, except when Pre-Act I (Shadowstorm/Lazerstorm) and Shadowstorm's lore got introduced. The lore was made difficult by the fact that Act I came to be first, then we made Act II, and after that was the true origin story made in Pre-Act I. This is when my stories picked up the Acts structure they still use, and the multiverse structure's introduction was introduced in the first assassination concept that later on became the base for the transition between Acts I and II. Assassination attempt happened after Act II.



Next up

Still cooking...

I recently drew these two

Chad Malefactor and silly Bronze Locust

The two different types of shrimp

Screenshot taken and cropped from a chat with a fellow member of my school's choir in Messenger

Scene 6- art based on the Malefactor class introduction, "Terrible things are done at the heart of despair. She is gone, but you remain."

How I imagined Bearfirth from Story Excerpt-The Morning. The original Malefactor.

Working on a lil something (Colonial Marine cosplay from Aliens, making my own OC's armor)

Armor decals based on the ones in Aliens Fireteam Elite

Progress with the sketch

Scene 4 is how the Forestborn died prior to the comic's start, the character behind the killing blow won't be revealed and isn't canon to Undying at all other than the death. It's none of the characters in my lores, too.


The comic's first page is being worked on, rough sketch state

There isn't much to it, just two traditional art scenes left unfinished

And the full page progress. Not much improved on scene 4, will make it sometime later.

Work-in-progress ref sheet for the Forestborn

Really interesting character in his own way.

Made more progress with the fifth scene.

He was not seen without the Malefactor Whitewood Mask before.