4 years ago

Question for Exeblood

How old are you?



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exe has got got

They were my creations. They both failed to fully be created. These show their friendship with him. I can't let this continue any further. He has left me inside for 4 years. I couldn't move or act. I want him to join me. Along with his little friends.

this is lost media apperently...

GUYS...... 50000 COINS, IT'S A miracle what do i do my broshimas......... do I accept! yes please!

ok. difference.

Be prepared for a grand return.

here's what i did so far

ahhh, memories

bading! i'm retro mario! SOON...............................

nobody knew this red sonic.exe was called exemond i'm giving m80marc credit for the other name he gave em exeheholhar iykyk