Lunatic's Limbo
7 months ago

Quick devlog before 2023 ends :]

Hi there friends!

Starting off, I'd like to thank you peeps for the support this game has seen this year. Ever since I initially posted the page and ever since the rebrand, people have seemed pretty hyped out it. This is a project I'm super passionate about and seeing others be excited about it too makes me incredibly happy :]

So uhh, what's going on?

Despite the severe lack of posts (sorry, lol) I have been working on this game pretty actively. Mostly figuring out art stuff and learning more about gamemaker, among other things. As a result of that, good news! I have figured out a definitive art style I'll be using for most of LL. The learning about code is kind of a struggle, but I'm having fun with it, and I believe it wont be too long before I'm capable to continue work on this project.

Gameplay / Coding

Its hard for me to say much about this. Id like to think I'm a decently creative person and I have tons of ideas, but unfortunately those cant all be executed, which may be a roadblock somewhere in development. I want every character to feel unique and challenging in their own way, but that's hard to do when you have this many characters and this many mechanics. I'll see what I can do, and I will probably ask some help from other people for this.

Updates going forward

I really want to post these teasers / info posts more often. I would like to be decently transparent with development, while keeping most of the gameplay a surprise for release. As a result of me figuring out the artstyle, I will be posting teasers with the characters upon finishing them. You wont immediately be able to tell who it is (because you're not supposed to), but I hope it will get people more excited for these designs. In terms of actual gameplay, I will show of some stuff here and there, but I'm going to try to keep it limited because, as stated above, I want to keep most of the gameplay as a surprise.

In terms of how often I will make these posts, I'm unfortunately not sure. I hope to get at least one character done per week (?) and I hope to write one of these long update post things at least once a month. That being said, I cant guarantee either of those because of outside influences (mostly college LOL) I will try to keep it somewhat consistent, but cant promise I actually will.

I think that's all you need to know! If you did, thanks for reading this whole thing, I appreciate it. Cool stuff coming in 2024, i promise ;3

If you happen to have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments! I'll see if I want to answer them :3

1 comment


Next up


i, lunaticbyte, wish you a happy pride month

rebrand thing is coming soon im working on it i promise itll be super awesome and stuff

We are back, we are rebranded.

Since its been a bit since i posted an update, heres one of the cams, lounge 2! Its not quite as stylised as the office, and i plan on reworking some of the cameras, but im quite happy with it regardless.

Happy new year i think

Lebron james, scream if you love lunatics limbo


AND ill reveal some other cool stuff too you gotta trust me it will be AWESOME

The game is now being made in gamemaker.