Lunatic's Limbo
1 year ago

Quick devlog before 2023 ends :]

Hi there friends!

Starting off, I'd like to thank you peeps for the support this game has seen this year. Ever since I initially posted the page and ever since the rebrand, people have seemed pretty hyped out it. This is a project I'm super passionate about and seeing others be excited about it too makes me incredibly happy :]

So uhh, what's going on?

Despite the severe lack of posts (sorry, lol) I have been working on this game pretty actively. Mostly figuring out art stuff and learning more about gamemaker, among other things. As a result of that, good news! I have figured out a definitive art style I'll be using for most of LL. The learning about code is kind of a struggle, but I'm having fun with it, and I believe it wont be too long before I'm capable to continue work on this project.

Gameplay / Coding

Its hard for me to say much about this. Id like to think I'm a decently creative person and I have tons of ideas, but unfortunately those cant all be executed, which may be a roadblock somewhere in development. I want every character to feel unique and challenging in their own way, but that's hard to do when you have this many characters and this many mechanics. I'll see what I can do, and I will probably ask some help from other people for this.

Updates going forward

I really want to post these teasers / info posts more often. I would like to be decently transparent with development, while keeping most of the gameplay a surprise for release. As a result of me figuring out the artstyle, I will be posting teasers with the characters upon finishing them. You wont immediately be able to tell who it is (because you're not supposed to), but I hope it will get people more excited for these designs. In terms of actual gameplay, I will show of some stuff here and there, but I'm going to try to keep it limited because, as stated above, I want to keep most of the gameplay as a surprise.

In terms of how often I will make these posts, I'm unfortunately not sure. I hope to get at least one character done per week (?) and I hope to write one of these long update post things at least once a month. That being said, I cant guarantee either of those because of outside influences (mostly college LOL) I will try to keep it somewhat consistent, but cant promise I actually will.

I think that's all you need to know! If you did, thanks for reading this whole thing, I appreciate it. Cool stuff coming in 2024, i promise ;3

If you happen to have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments! I'll see if I want to answer them :3

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Next up

2 Days.


Quick devlog before 2024 ends

1 Day. See you tomorrow Roosendaal.



"No one is gonna read that sis"

7 Days.

"You bitch"