1 month ago

Quick doodle I made of Takorocki’s new idol pose since it’s I’ve been meaning to make a new one and a catchphrase I will draw them probably at some point but I can’t be bothered now

They can finally be considered idols now🗣️🗣️



Next up

Drew this while taking to my dad :/

Quick Katsuka doodle yay I still love her I swear

Uhh repost because they’re Roxie the undead lovefool characters now

new persona you guys!!?!?!?!


Info/intro post cause why not

(this is inspired by my friend @/toiletmilk’s info post sorry for copying your homework bro)


I ate even if these are the only mercy potg’s I’ll get

Y’all know what to do

loser (reposted from twitter)

New persona ayyyy

oku is still me but I like this one aswell