Fazbear Frights: The Agonizing Ones
2 years ago

Quick FF:TAO news: December 2021

As you probably have noticed, the game was quite paused for the last months. I am back in college, and that takes most of my time. Also, my motivation was a bit on the lows

I still managed to get a version of the demo where I removed the animatronics leaving mechanic, so you can go check it out! It's identical to the previous demo, minus that change.

For some news about what's still needed for the game, Nights 4 to 6 should be fully implemented, they will just require more playtesting and proper phone calls.

I also would like to find tasks to link the nights together. And that's the part where I'm struggling with ideas. I have some, but they rarely feel good.

I'm sorry the game is progressing really slowly at the moment, but I don't want to force myself into working on it when I don't feel like it. It'll be out someday, stay patient!

Hope you're all well, and I wish you all an early merry Christmas! Or merry whatever you're celebrating in December!

Take care!




Next up

So all cameras are functional and you can switch between each and every one of them! I really like the way it looks and I'm quite proud of what I achieved :D

I keep working on FF:TAO and will update you about my progression! Hope you are hyped! :D

I'm back once again to make progress on the game! I finally had some ideas for the tasks, so now I just have to model and code everything, and the game will be almost complete! :D

I don't really know how long it'll take, but I'll keep you updated! :)

YAARRRG! Foxy's mechanic should be fully implemented and I'm now playtesting it! This means that almost everything in the main nights is completed!

(Also new demo patch that corrects a bug where Plushtrap would struggle to leave CAM1)

Every shadow is a caution.

This has to be one of my favorite renders I made for FF:TAO yet! Don't they look so ominous? >:)

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

So I continued working on the Animatronics AI, they're almost done! I also set up more sound effects, and added a game over screen! The mechanic will be displayed here, but I don't want to reveal it yet! :D

Credits will be in the pinned comment!

Task 3 is approaching completion! Some more news for FF:TAO

meet Eddie (you play as this dude)

So I finally added the doors, and I started adding the renders to the cameras! Soon I'll start working on the AI, I'm so excited! :D


Spring Bonnie model: Eleanor model:

(I forgot them, my bad :x )