6 years ago

Quick Shoutout and Small Update!

Hey guys, haven’t spoken to ya in a while! School is just about finishing up for me, and these past weeks have been pretty much exams. I’ve got one more, and than I am free.

Anyways, I have a quick shoutout to do! I loved FNaF World to absolute bits, and I love it so much, that this remake,
has gotten me extremely excited! If you like FNaF World, please, check this game out. It is not released yet, but it is going to be released fairly soon. So to the developer of this game, props to you. You’re doing great!


So now for the small update, I am at a crossroads on what to do. Those two crossroads are,

  1. Learn Unity

  2. Keep using Clickteam

Now, I’ve delved head first in Unity, and I really can’t wrap my head around it for the moment. I’ve already put so much time in Clickteam I really don’t want to switch as it is. (Maybe in the future) But as it stands, I will keep using Clickteam. And maybe, expect games this summer!
I’ve been using Clickteam, and I’ve been making small games, etc, but nothing I really feel comfortable publishing. I’ve gotten a lot of ideas but not really enough will to accomplish them. Soon though, I will, after the weight of school is off then I can focus more on doing what I love, making games for you wonderful people!
It is heartwarming for a single person to just download my game let alone follow it 241 times. This is the most successful I’ve been in my 2-year streak of making small indie games. If you read all of this, then thank you, you mean the most to me!



Next up

There's an investigation...

Guess who's back, back again.

NEW GAME RELEASED! Go check it out, it's called Super Cool Melons!

Game poster! (Credit to LeomProductions)

Bolts and Lasers

Trust me, I'm not dead.

Thanks fellas

A lot has been getting done on the game, here's another enemy!

Almost finished...