Distorted Mind: The Other Fredbear's
6 years ago

Quick Update! / ¡Actualizacion Rapida!


Hey everyone! Welp, here’s a quick update to inform everyone what’s happening.

Now I’m into programing the game. For now, I only have the menu, loading screens and Freak Bonnie AI.

Also, this game will be most likely a collaboration, for now, Kiiistos ( the creator of Static ) will help modelling the office ( cause I suck at modelling them lul ) and JoelSpringTrap will help me programming.
Do you want to help with something? Write a comment below to inform me of what can you do and maybe you’ll be a part of the team!

A teaser game coming this month.

New Header! ( also, the old header is now in the media ) Do you prefer the new one, or the old one? Should I make another one?


¡Hola a todos! Weno, aqui dejo una actualizacion rapida para informar a todo el mundo que ocurre.

Ahora estoy mas centrado en programar el juego. Por ahora, solo tengo el menu, las pantallas de carga y la IA de Freak Bonnie.

Ademas, este juego sera mas una colaboracion, por ahora, Kiiistos ( el creador de Static ) ayudara modelando la oficina ( por que apesto modelandolas lul ) y JoelSpringTrap me ayudara con la programacion.
¿Quieres ayudar con algo? ¡Escribe un comentario abajo para informarme de que puedes hacer, y puede que te unas al equipo!

Un “teaser game” en este mes.

¡Nueva Portada! ( ademas, la antigua esta en las imagenes ) ¿Prefieres la nueva o la vieja? ¿Deberia hacer otra?

Images / Imagenes:

Old Header:


New Header:


Freak Bonnie In Game Image:




Next up

working on a Glamrock Chica model...

So, why the inactivity, you may ask... well, I just wanted to take a break after the release, that's it.

But now, I'm wondering... Have some of you found any easter eggs? Were you able to piece out together the story? Tell me in the comments!


Fazbear Gameverse 2

The (Silly) Sticker Pack

Distorted Mind: True Humanity Patch v1.0.6

- Fixed some bugs - Made loading time for the first lockdown slightly longer, so the tip is more easily read. - Changed the way the player interacts for the menu

Fazbear Gameverse Update (Important)

i've gotten weirdly good at drawing in ms paint

I just published a new avatar frame!

I'll be adding more items to the shop over time, give me suggestions if you want anything more added!

I'll be releasing a trailer along with the release date of the game on Fazbear Gamerverse! Here's the schedule for the event!

Here's the event channel link:

(also, just changed the header of the game, go check it out!)