6 hours ago

Quick update:

@proto2000 (engiebro) just deleted a massive post he made about wanting to be left alone and for the whole situation to be done with. He's the only one who has mentioned this publicly up until now. I'm gonna leave my response to him here

Our relationship wasn't "slowly fixing". Hell, a few days before my birthday this year (in may), you were asking me if you could do erps with other people, and this was after I'd already made it pretty clear I wasn't comfortable with you doing that.

You "forgot" we got back together before this and you were doing erps with your friend. The same friend from the year before.

All you cared about was starting fights with your parents, playing video games and doing sexual stuff by yourself.

We warn people about you because you're not a good person to be around rn. You self destruct and hurt others. Not to mention the 13yr old you were erping with for most of the first year.

You constantly told me I was perfect and that I didn't know what you were going through, like I hadn't experienced anything bad before. You know exactly what I've been through. With all the crying breakdowns and talks we had, you knew just how fragile and Co dependent I was at the time.

You have a lot of work to do in order to be better. Keep going to therapy and taking meds. Do stuff with your irl friends and try to develop empathy.

I showed those screenshots as evidence, otherwise, you'd have been able to deny anything I'd said about you. Victims can't fully come out without sufficient proof of what happened, with this being the case, I acted accordingly.

You put me through hell and back, but instead of seeing what went wrong, you play the victim instead.

I do admit that I did something wrong when I changed your xbox gamertag. I regretted it immediately and Vee was a witness to this, as I had gone right to her afterwards and talked to her about what I did.



Next up

Art study: Colour and light

Pink Diamond sketch

Rose Quartz cloud sketch

@Dynocation Finished fan art

Dynocation OC redesign concept

@Dynocation Baki fanart line art

Baki fan art Timelapse

(couldn’t flip the first few seconds)

Pink Diamond artwork

@Dynocation OC redesign sketch

Dynocation Baki fan art sketch