Pvz Midnight/Eclipse (Canceled)
1 year ago

Quick Update! (No longer Valid)

Hey guys! This is a quick update because I have something important to say.

So remember that picture of a prototype of the game? Well, that was made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5, and I'm planning to change it. Not because it's a bad engine, but it can be very limiting and confusing sometimes.

Keep in mind, I am NOT CANCELING THE GAME AGAIN!!! This is just a game engine switch.

But the problem is that I don't know where to go. There are so many of them but a lot of them use programming. I was recommended in the Floral Federation Discord to use Unity, but altho I know little about it, it's not enough for a game like this.

If anyone wants to help, feel free to do so, it would really help!



(Also here is a picture of Magic Vine just not to disappoint anyone)



Next up

Here is something new for the game, I always wanted this game to be unique!

So here is a new and improved version of Glass-Shroom!

Here is a look at some other plants Being remade in my Fan Game: Sunflower, Wall-Nut, SnowPea, and Ghost Pepper!

Current Development Update.

Happy 15th Anniversary Plants Vs Zombies!!! 🌻🌱🧟‍♂️

Little fanart to

#pvz #plantsvszombies

I have rendered a section of a game called Five Shows as Warios, Cooking with Emma. I have never played the game since in not into horror, but I love how the game is designed and I hope more people know about the game.

Here is a look at what peashooter will look like in my game!

Happy 15th Anniversary to the game that practically created half my childhood!

And apparently, I have now developed a habit of working on my art at ungodly hours of the morning, as it is 5:AM currently-

This is the Midnight mechanic in my fan game, the idea is that you can switch between day and night. Day Plants will sleep at night, Night Plants will sleep in the day, Day Zombies will be faster in the day and Night Zombies will be faster at night.