2 hours ago

quitting art and replace those with ai and stolen art and edits

kill yourse-



Next up

unhealthy obsession with a number


taking a break from draw

i honestly dont think i will change my opinion about art at this point

is my least favorite hobby, in specially when you know that ai arrived and take the role


dont gonna follow this bullshit anymore

idk if also taking a break from art

which would mean that im gonna be semi hiatus


''a creature with the codename of demonium, which seem to be its real name was originally founded in mid of a steroids swarm, possibly resting or perphaps eating''

ⴽⵕⴻⵀⵖⴽⴻⵏ ⴰⴽⴽ.

ⵏⴻⴽⴽ ⵥⵔⵉⵖ ⴱⴻⵍⵍⵉ ⵜⴽⴻⵔⵀⴻⴹⵉⵢⵉ.

ⵃⴱⴻⵙ ⴰⵙⴽⴻⵔⴽⴻⵙ


ⵉⵎⴷⴷⵓⴽⴽⴰⵍⵉⵡ ⴰⴽⴽ ⴷ ⵉⵙⴻⴽⵍⴰⴼⴻⵏ.

ⵍⵍⵉⵖ ⴽⴰⵏ ⴷ ⵜⴰⴹⵙⴰ ⴷⴻⴳⴽ

ⵏⵖⵉ ⵉⵎⴰⵏⵉⴽ ⵙ ⵜⵉⴷⴻⵜ, ⵓⵔ ⵉⵢⵉⵜⵃⵓⵣⴰ ⴰⵔⴰ

''bye for now, '''friend'''

no actually im leaving


see you in next side idiot

''bad luck in my veins, my only reason of why i still alive''

misfortune bells


if it was due some things i would say they're related

if i had the choice of root in hell or feel proud of my art

probably would actually choose the first