Five Nights at Treino's Basement(Five Nights at Treasure Island):
@Da_Treino as PN Mickey(Photo-Negative Treino)
@ice_god as Oswald(Caden)
@Noob_Gaming as Disembodied(Head)
@Sel499 as Acephalous(Elacosoul)
@Emmalar as Impurity(Anxiety)
@DaRealMemeCentralLol as The Face(The Legoman)
@YourLocalPALCreator as Undying(Interdead)
All the characters Mentioned above (Except The Face/The Legoman) as Hourglass (The Abomixation)
Plutchlet Cabina(Oblitus Casa):
@C2Games as Willie(CBR)
@9191unikitty as Belial(Unikitty)
@Real_Saw_Yay_im_a_tool_bfb as Daisy(Saw)
@DaRealMemeCentralLol as Inkblot Face(Inkblot Legoman)
@Bijipler as PN Minnie(Photo-Negative Bijipler)
@Felyy as Dippy(Felyy)
@Kholey69 as Pete(Kholey)
Abomixation came back here, but burned, L
Plutchlet The Monster(One of my OCs that i have their design but haven't shown yet) as MOTHER/MickMick(Plutchlet The Monster)
Plutchlet Cabina(Limbo Characters):
Shade PN Treino(Shade PN Mickey)
Shade Anxiety(Shade Impurity)
@TabithaWolfieGamergirl23 as Ortensia(Wolfie)
Shade Caden(Shade Oswald)
Some Extra Characters From Five Nights at Treino's Basement & Plutchlet Cabina:
@Swordtooth as Slester(SwordTooth)
@NotPTBP as Sparky(Paul)
@Keith_beep1 as Inkblot MickMick(Inkblot Hat)
@Amalgama666 as Corruptus(Amalgama)
@BulbasaurGamerYT as Henry(Buzzy)
@/Yvon as Lisa(Yvon)
@ColtonDaCat as Jake(Colton)
@MinionAppleBanana as Greg(Minion)