1 year ago

Ran out of space in the description, here are a few more rules

Read article

When joining you need to choose your weapons

Scouts primary weapons:

Deepcore gk2

M1000 classic (technically a sniper)

DRAK-25 plasma carbine

Scouts secondary weapons:

Judy rigged boomstick (a double barreled shotgun)

Zhukov NUK17s (technically a dual wield uzi)

Nishanka Boltshark X-80 (a crossbow which deals damage an if chosen to, turn enemies on eachother



Next up

I'm gonna become kakyoin irl guyz

I am a penis

Me and the gang when

Yall I don't even know what to post anymore save me from this madness


do yall ever

#GJAsks Alex mercer from prototype (there isnt a prototype realm)

Oogly boogly doogleboogle flombongle