30 days ago

Random Fact: Yip's species can adapt and learn very quickly. If you kept one as a pet and put it in a cage for the night. One night not only will it figure out how to get out, but it will also figure out how to open the door so it can sleep with its owner



Next up


I might draw Yip and his variants a bunch soon cuz why not.

Doggo :3

Made this funky elevator.

Prob not ganna be in that doors project but its a cool elevator.

The vines may be a little toxic than normal, don't get stabbed by the thorns. :3

Lore article-


Yeah, she's hiding under your bed tonight.

Extra lore in article



Bald Yip

"This is our chance"

Part 2 is premiering NOW! https://youtu.be/DEcs03cgnms

Rooms can now despawn. The code is sloppy so I might have to redo it.