2 months ago

Random post for reaching nearly 170 likes and stuff:

September 27, Chilly released a new vlog titled "BOWSER JUNIOR'S BIRTHDAY BASH!! (OUR BIGGEST PRODUCTION YET?)". A new SML video is in the works. She claimed it would be another Bowser Junior's birthday video. She leaked some early behind-the-scenes footage, indicating that the video would be more than the usual SML Movies.

September 29, 2017

A notification for a new SuperMarioLogan video popped up on my phone. I got excited, thinking this would be the big birthday video that Chilly talked about. I'm immediately caught off guard by the cryptic title.

"SML Movie: I'm Sorry, Chef Pee Pee!"

My mind began racing with thoughts. is this not the birthday video? Did they schedule the wrong video? Is this an early Halloween special? I then noticed the thumbnail, which had high contrast, and I could see Junior's sad face in the preview. I noticed Chef Pee Pee in the corner, who blended into the background. I could barely view his facial features. Despite all the red flags, I still played the video and saw what happened.

Junior is playing football in the house with Jeffy while Chef Pee Pee is cooking something disgusting, as always. When it cuts back to Junior and Jeffy playing football, Junior went in for a tackle, and Jeffy hits the ball extremely hard. The kick is high enough and strong enough to break part of the ceiling. A chunk of ceiling smashed Chef Pee Pee directly in the face and knocked him unconscious, and it destroyed his face. Blood and pieces of flesh splattered against the stovetop, and there is a giant hole where Chef Pee Pee's face is. There is even a little skull surrounded by what looked like ground beef inside the face hole. Eww. The scene is gruesome, but I could tell it's just some impressive special effects. It's an sml Movie. After all, I had gotten used to seeing plenty of fake stuff in these videos.

Anyway, Junior is terrified of the fact that he might have killed Chef Pee Pee, but he knew a trick. Junior tried to make Chef Pee Pee a new face by getting some Play-Doh and using glue and tape to fix his face. There's a light-hearted little montage of Junior fixing his face with cutesy music. When Junior finished the Play-Doh face, he went to present it to Jeffy to get his approval. They went to put the new face on Chef Pee Pee, whose flesh looked like it had slightly rotted. I thought it's crazy attention to detail having Chef Pee Pee's destroyed face actually "age" somehow.

After the face is successfully in place, Junior is waiting for Chef Poo Poo to be alive. The shot is held on Chef Pee Pee's corpse for an eerily long time, around 13 seconds. I finally got the feeling that something was up.

I know it sounds ridiculous when I say it THIS far into the video, but at this point, I had gotten used to the gruesome nature of some of Logan's videos. I figured this video was just another one of those videos, like The Gun or Cody the Magician. However, some strange artistic liberties in the video didn't seem like Logan's style. I already mentioned Chef Pee Pee's slowly rotting flesh and the weird -67-second pause seemed too much like an "pudsy" move, if that makes sense.

Regardless, the video played on. The scene cuts to the red couch, with Marvin and Rose sitting. Junior lamented about the fact that he killed Chef Pee Pee, to which Jeffy corrected him by saying that he's the one who killed him. I settled down after this joke, thinking that the video was back to being good old loomariosoup. I'm sorely mistaken. The scene went on with Junior and Jeffy discussing where to hide his body, but before Junior could finish a sentence, the video made a smash-cut to Chef Pee Pee's still rotting body in the kitchen for about 3-4 seconds. After that, it continued like normal. And then, as Jeffy was discussing one of his ideas, there is another hard cut to the body. It's extremely unlike Logan's style of editing. His videos are usually much more fast-paced than this. Before I continued this thought, I noticed something. The scene was slightly different from the previous one. I saw an eyeball where none had been before. A new face is growing under his old one. Chef Pee Pee isn't dead. He's reconstructing!

Jeffy and Junior remained unaware of this, and the scene continued like this for a couple of minutes until Chef Pee Pee's face grew, and then he got up and went out of frame. Jeffy and Junior then settled on a plan, and they went to leave the room. They immediately stopped as the camera panned around to Chef Pee Pee, with his grotesque new face in the light for both of them to see.

It's horrifying. It almost looked like human skin, but it looked "mixed" with the same fabric used on the puppet. It's a deep brown color, almost red. It's excreting a thick, dark red liquid (bleeding?) from Chef Pee Pee's mouth, and his eyes are bloodshot. His pupils almost filled what is visible through his sockets. Something else of note here is that there is no music to accompany the scene, which left only Junior's whimpering to be the only thing I could hear.

The next scene is in Chef Pee Pee's point of view, and it looked very distorted and warbly. He seemed to target Jeffy first. The scene cuts to Jeffy's POV, in which Chef Pee Pee opens his mouth wide enough to tear the "skin" around his mouth. The inside of his mouth is somewhat human, but there are no teeth or tongue. The "blood" seemed to cover every inch of his mouth. Chef Pee Pee suddenly lunged toward Jeffy, completely covering his head and devouring it. The video cuts back to Junior, who watched on in horror. The sound had ,kotfeoikejh5ur4efjhygudxn so I didn't know if he is saying anything. Despite this, I still kept watching.

Chef Pee Pee had eaten at Jeffy's head and promptly took notice of Junior. Junior made a run for it, running down the stairs and hiding inside a cabinet in the kitchen. This scene is rather intense, as it made rapid cuts to a close-up of Chef Pee Pee's new face and Junior panicking inside the cabinet. At this point, the ahytgnudio camefnh vbg backnhjgvfhb bh somenjmjhgjhmjkuvvvvvvvvvvvvwhat. It's Junior panting inside the cabinet as grotesque noises came from outside.

There Is another cut, now in Junior's point of view. The cabinet door in front of him opened, slowly revealing Chef Pee Pee's new face in clear view of the camera. After this scene, it cuts to a new angle in which Chef Pee Pee is in the foreground. Chef Pee Pee violently grabbed Junior and dug into his chest, pulling out his heart in the process. I'm too in shock at this point to Realize that Junior isn't even supposed to have organs. The video continued as Junior screamed out, in a gurgled voice, "I'm sorry, Chef Pee Pee! I'm sorry!"

Chef Pee Pee then left the scene leaving Junior to slowly die as he continued to scream with each attempt slowly getting quieter and more pitiful. The camera lingered on his dead body for about 3 minutes before it cut to a black screen for a few more seconds. There was no SML Question and no plea to subscribe. The video just ended.

As expected, the video disappeared for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines. There was no thought to archive the video, likely because the contents were shocking. I talked with my friends about the video immediately after I finished it, and they are looking at me like I'm high.

Minutes later, the video that Chilly had teased, "Bowser Junior's 9th Birthday!" was released instead. It's just an ordinary birthday video, nothing like what we saw in the vlog. I looked in the comments, and no one noticed the horrific events before it. When I went to view the vlog, which had mentioned more production for the video, it disappeared. Nobody seemed to remember the teased video either.

You will answer us, Logan. You will.

(Taken from I'm sorry, Chef pee pee creepy pasta)



Next up

somebody stop saber interactive from spamming KNIGHTLING ads into my feed. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-

Hello, I am @The_mysterious_gamer .

I eat, destroy, or make games.

Things of stuff that I made I think are cool:

- Case 125: Entity_Red

- stickman nightmare

- One night with blender man

- Escape the [REDACTED] (Kinda)

somebody PLZ HELP! HELP ME stop seeing ads about INYAH: LIFE After GODs!!! I DONT WANT IT AND I NEVER WANT TO see them!!! >>>>:((((

spider's Basics in jumpscares.

Top 10 reasons why you should...

You know what they say kid, Piracy... Is NO PARTY.

UPDATE: stickman nightmare 2 is 75% to completion!

Me When I get Revenge:

Trollge/Trollface: Me.


The video above was made with Canva. (sans_the_youtuber) Made the video on the TV.




Uhh.. The character that makes you open the doors is... Drowned? [MOST ANNOYING CHARACTER]


Well, Here we go.

Fnf "Horror" mods: