4 days ago

Random post!

Cant believe my femboy roblox friend was "dating" a pedophile on roblox

How it all started: (according to him) a 16 year old guy walked up to him and asked if he could "date" her. .

Despite the guy knowing his gender and age (which is 11), my friend still decided to do it because he claimed that he was scared that the guy would dox him. Aka track him down.

Later the guy didnt even start a weird conversation, just straight up wanted my friend to show him his thigh pics, he also claimed that the guy sent him pics of his cigars (i dont know what that means..)

Later they would actually talk

My friend said something like

"Will you give me a pillow?"

And the 16 year old guy said

"Of course."

"I will be your pillow."

Later Owenn (my femboy friend) decided to block him before things got out of hand too fast.

Their conversation on roblox lasted 30 minutes.

The guy also used to call him a girl alot, which is probably why my friend hates being misgendered

By the way my friend told me this today

For those who is wondering, yes, thats him on picture. Owenn. (Aka my femboy friend)



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